Acne Treatments

If You Suffer From Acne You Don’t Need A Definition
You know very well that your skin doesn’t look or feel its best. You can try many different cosmetics, changes to your diet, and various ointments but at the end of the day the spots return and you feel hopeless and exhausted.
Most Pharmacological Acne Treatment Aren’t Recommended
Mild and moderate acne can be successfully treated in skin clinics now. With severe acne I sometimes would advise prescription or over the counter medications available at the local pharmacy for daily skin care. But for the majority of my clients, the anti-acne regimen I provide in my clinic is sufficient to help with most issues.

Many Treatments Are Available
I have selected treatments that I find are the most effective acne treatment for my clients. So far I have achieved very good results and I am positive that I can help you too.
What Is My Method?
I use a combination of three factors:
Chemical, physical and mechanical. I cycle them in three separate treatments two weeks apart. If necessary, we can repeat the cycle or we can use the one or two methods which you found most effective, as it is very individual

We always start from chemical method
We always start from chemical method. This is a gentle chemical peel. My favourite formula is the combination of Mandelic and Ferulic acid (45% concentration) as this is the safest and most effective chemical peel I worked with so far.
Typically you see an improvement a few days after the treatment
Small inflamed areas are soothed and pustules become dry, less painful, with reduced inflammation. The epidermis flakes off in problematic areas giving us access to white heads which then can be easily extracted, while the black heads get dry and simply pop off under small pressure.

After two weeks we use the mechanical methods
A combination of microdermabrasion and cavitation peeling. This is to physically get rid of the remainder of dead cells, clear up pores, and to remove the black heads and white heads. At this point we typically see the biggest improvement if we are happy with results we can stop at this stage.
The third treatment (if required)
This is called the high frequency D’Arsonval therapy or Ozone skin treatment. This treatment is used to kill all of resistant bacteria that the previous treatments couldn’t destroy.

It is very important…
The full cycle takes 4 weeks as this is the time required for complete skin cycle renovation. This treatment can be used on the face, neck, chest and back. It has great efficacy and is highly recommended for teenagers over 16 year old including boys and young men.
Acne isn’t always severe
Most of young people experience skin imperfections such as black heads, white heads and spots. These may be hormone related and often occur on the forehead, chin and along the jaw line. No type of acne should be ignored and taking action early can prevent its development and potential scarring (see Scar Treatment).

Book In Now
If you have any questions or queries about whether our Acne Treatments are suitable for you, book your free consultation below.